Murray Twins Lead Cheer & STUNT in Season Points
Sophomores Madalynne Murray and Madison Murray tied as our overall team stat leaders with a 32.9 game rating. They played in 166 routines with 116 of those routines resulting in wins. They performed in every tumbling routine 1-7 where they contributed to our team outscoring opponents 29-15 in quarter three routines.
Mada. Murray performed our 2BHS to full skill in JT 7. They also played a vital role in our success in pyramids, baskets and partner stunts.
They are leaders on the mat and in the classroom. Madalynn is a nursing major with a 3.4 GPA and Madison is an Elementary Ed major with a 3.6 GPA.
Thank you for your leadership, consistency, work ethic and amazing athletic contribution to our team. Looking forward to another great season. You can view their highlights here.