Athletic Training Room

Location: Under Wheelock Stadium (Football/Track Stadium)

Hours: Typically 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday. Schedule may vary depending on season/sports individual game schedules.

Injured athletes in their season of sport: Injury assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries only. Sign in when entering the Athletic Training Room and wait to be seen by one of the Certified Athletic Trainers.

Out of season athletes: Check with your coach to make arrangements with our staff to be seen in the Athletic Training Room. Typically from 9:00am to 11:00am by appointment only.

The Athletic Training Room is a co-ed medical facility. Treat it as such. Do not wear cleats or track spikes and come appropriately dressed (shirts, shorts, no bathing suits, no revealing clothing, etc.)

Do not bring food or beverages, and no tobacco products of any kind.

Pre-Participation Examination (Physical)

Every athlete competing at Riverside City College must complete an annual physical screening before they will be allowed to practice or try out for a team. The physical must be performed by a licensed physician. Physicals performed by a nurse practitioner or physicians assistant will not be accepted unless co-signed by a licensed physician.

Physicals will not be accepted from; Chiropractors, Nurses, Dentists, Physical Therapists, Massage Therapists, or anyone else who is not a Licensed Physician in the State of California.

Physicals must be performed on our standard form (also available in the Athletic training Office). Each form must be clearly filled out, signed by the licensed physician and include the physicians name, address and phone number.

Insurance & Medical Information

The Athletic Training department utilizes an online information and injury tracking software called Sportsware. Each athlete is required to enter in their personal information and update it annually. to enter or update your information, follow the instructions below.

  • From your browser window navigate to
  • Click on Join Sportsware on right side of page
  • Enter School ID: RCC Tigers
  • Select “Next”
  • Enter your first name, last name, e-mail and group (RCC)
  • Select “Send”
  • Before you can continue you will need to be accepted. This may take up to a day to complete.
  • Check your e-mail for acceptance notice. Sender will be “admin” and subject will be “SportsWare OnLine Password Request”
  • Click on the link and enter and choose a password
  • Enter in your information under all 5 tabs labeled General, Address, Emergency Contact and Insurance.
  • Only enter information marked with a red asterisk *
  • Select “Save” when finished. If you do not receive an error message you are done

If you have question please contact us in the Athletic Training Room (951) 222-8908